Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Psychologist, Ruth Simons talks about sex and body image for women

Women and Sex

What worries women about sex? Usually it is not the act itself: provided her partner takes time and isn’t out to please just himself. Most women love sex. Sex is fun. Sex can and should, be fantastic.

But things go wrong. Women are complicated creatures and have a wide range of physical and psychological problems that may have a direct effect on what level of pleasure they gain from intercourse, including the initial desire. Despite all the changes of the past generation – a vast literature, the increasingly frank nature of magazine articles and TV programs, and efforts to introduce the basics of human biology into the classroom, sexual ignorance is still alive and well-and will stay that way until people can discuss it freely without embarrassment or shame.

Body Image
How gorgeous am I? How gorgeous should I be? Should I care? Does he/she care?

To hear the magazines tell it, gorgeousness is everything. You could have the mind of a duck, but if you look like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt or whoever happens to be flavour of the month, you’ve got it made. Everyone will love you and want to be near you; until, of course, you put on too much weight, lose too much weight, forget to go to the gym every day or swap that Vegan diet for beer-and-pork-sausages. This, of course, is garbage, yet far too many people fall for it, winding up crying in front of mirrors that reflect the image of a perfectly normal, healthy human being. The only body you really want is a healthy one. If you think that a person isn’t going to love you because your healthy body doesn’t look like the cover girl on Cleo or you don’t have a penis like King Kong, you’re probably better off if they don’t …

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